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lantana flower

This is a very common flower, we can find anywhere. lantana camara is the scientific name of this flower, lantana is species of flowering plant in the family of verbena, this flowers native place is American tropics. it is a small shrub, its grow to 2m tall. this flower looks like small tubular shaped. these flowers blossom with different colores, it looks beautiful, there are different colours forms there in these flowers, like red, pink, orange, yellow etc. the leaves are oriented and strong odour when crushed .the fruit of this flower s look like berry, its turn to from green to dark purple when mature . lantana camara stalks used in the construction of furnitures such as chairs and tables, also uses in medicines

Phanera purpurea - Purple bauhinia

Bauhinia purpurea is a species of flowering plant in the family fabaceae , native to the Indian subcontinent & Myanmar.The common names of this flowers is orchid tree, purple bauhinia, camel's foot , butterfly tree & Hawaiian orchid tree. It is called lancham in Assamese , odia & Bengali.

Uses : 
The young leaves & flowers of bauhinia purpurea are edible.the leaves have citrusy and sour taste and used in dishes .
Through Southeast Asia used in making poultices for treating swelling , bruises , boils and ulcers. Various parts of the tree are also used in  decoctions to treat fever and stomach ailments.
In indian traditional medicine, the leaves are used to treat coughs while the bark is used for glandular diseases and as an antidote for poisons.the flowers are used in pickles & curries and is regarded as a laxative ( increase bowel movements) 
